Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sex and the City 2

Sex and the City 2

Sex and the City 2 - Are you looking for video Sex and the City 2? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Sex and the City 2 to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Sex and the City 2

other Customer Rating: Sex and the City 2
Price : $11.49
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"Sex and the City 2" has nothing on the HBO series and isn't nearly as good as the first film. However, as a huge fan of the franchise, I still enjoyed it because I got to see the girls on the big screen.

This film picks up two years after the first "SATC" movie. Carrie and Big are married and still living in NYC, but Carrie's afraid they're in a bit of a rut. Meanwhile, Samantha is struggling with menopause, Miranda's irritated with her new boss, and Charlotte's kids are driving her crazy. When Samantha lands an all-expenses paid trip for all four girls to enjoy a week of luxury accommodations in Abu Dhabi, all four women are thrilled at the chance to escape from reality for a little while. During the trip, Carrie is shocked to run into her ex-fiance, Aidan, in the middle of a Middle Eastern marketplace. How will this chance encounter affect her relationship with Big? Watch the movie to find out.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the movie. (Warning: I'm going to go into some spoilers that weren't included in the movie trailers.)


+ It's another "SATC" movie! If you love the girls, you will enjoy this movie at least a bit. How could you not?!

+ Although there was some Big/Carrie drama, it was refreshing that everything stemmed from Carrie's behavior this time. For once, Mr. Big didn't do something massively awful to screw the relationship up, which was refreshing to see.

+ The gay wedding was super over-the-top and ridiculous, but very funny to watch. It was also hilarious to see who was getting married (I won't spoil that surprise for you!).

+ Yes, some of the Abu Dhabi scenes were a little much, but I loved the luxury hotel scenes, and when Samantha started flashing condoms and screaming "Bite me!" to an angry mob of religious men, I wanted to applaud.

+ The girls get up and sing karaoke! And they do a good job! Who knew Kim Cattrall could sing so well?!

+The biggest pro for me...THANK GOD the film didn't feel the need to give Carrie and Big a freakin' baby. I am so sick and tired of society telling people that they need children in order to lead happy and fulfilled lives. Carrie and Big have a great relationship, a gorgeous home, and a rich life together. My husband and I are also child-free, and we get so many odd reactions from people when we have to explain that not having kids is our choice. I could very much relate to that scene with Carrie, Big, and the other married couple at the gay wedding, and I'm so glad the producers handled this issue the way they did.


- Unlike the first "SATC" movie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda really took a backseat to Carrie in this film. Their respective subplots were all glossed over and were mainly used as filler material, which was disappointing.

- With the exception of Mr. Big, the other supporting characters like Steve and Smith only had about two minutes of screen time each, which was another bummer.

- The girls are still sexy and the clothes are still great. I love Kim Cattrall and I think she's gorgeous, but Samantha is supposed to be 52 years old now, and some of her outfits and makeup kind of made her look like a drag queen. It was very sad. Women can be sexy at any age, but that doesn't mean they can pull off any and every look.

- Another character that wasn't featured in the film as much as it should have been was New York City! The city itself was such a central focus of the series and of the first movie. I don't think this film did it justice at all.

- I enjoyed the gay wedding, but Liza Minnelli singing Beyonce's "Single Ladies" was too much. Seriously. All through the number, I kept whispering, "Make it stop!"

- We all know that "SATC" is all about over-the-top fashions, but this movie took things a new level of extreme. On several occasions when Carrie stepped out in a crazy ensemble, everyone in the theatre could be heard muttering, "Seriously?!"

- Why did Aidan have to show up?! Sorry, but I have always been on Team Big. I though this Middle Eastern run-in was super unrealistic. Boo!

- Finally, if I ever kiss a man other than my husband, I doubt that my hubby will react by rushing out to a jewelry store and buying me the biggest diamond ring he can find. I'm just sayin'.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie, and I'm sure most die-hard "SATC" fans will like it as well. However, I hope that a "SATC3" is in the works, and that it's much better than this film.

Sex and the City 2


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