Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Witchouse: Blood Coven

Witchouse: Blood Coven

Witchouse: Blood Coven - Are you looking for video Witchouse: Blood Coven? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Witchouse: Blood Coven to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.

Witchouse: Blood Coven

other Customer Rating: Witchouse: Blood Coven
Price : $1.99
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Typical tale of witchcraft, some college kids dig up a few corpses (to identify the DNA), the witch takes over their bodies and turns the rest into ghouls. A few are left to fight against her, helped out by a mysterious guy who knows the secret of the witch. But none of that really matters.

I don't mind if somebody wants to rip off the hand-held camcorder style of Blair Witch, but puh-leeze, let there be some reason for it. Not only is there no reason for it here, but all the scenes which might have been in the movie - the ones which advance the plot and flesh out the characters - have been jettisoned in favor of having the college kids do a bunch of utterly pointless interviews, which gives them an excuse to use a camcorder. This is as rancid as film making gets.

Just when I thought I'd had all I could take of pointless camcorder footage, along comes a solid quarter hour of camcorder footage, just interviewing random citizens that live in this town, most of it done for comic relief I guess. Though it wasn't funny. I put the DVD player on 8X fast forward and it still took several minutes to get through it.

Then we get to go through a house as viewed through the camcorder - with the low battery light blinking the entire time. Everyone acts really really scared, until they find the ghouls. Then they aren't scared any more. Apparently they filmed these scenes on different days and nobody bothered to remember that they were acting scared in the previous scene.

Lest I forget, the main character is completely obnoxious. You'll be rooting for him do die in the most gruesome way. He lives. The other characters are utterly banal.

I normally enjoy Full Moon pictures, they usually have a very original plot and make the most of their minuscule budgets. However, director J.R. Bookwalter has no use for originality - he's one of those people who look at what has made money for other people and then tries to copy it. It's people like him that are the reason Hollywood sucks as bad as it does, and now it looks like Full Moon pictures is going in that direction as well. He also manages to get the worst performances possible out of his actors.

Avoid this thing like the plague.

Witchouse: Blood Coven


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