Friday, July 6, 2012

Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled

Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled

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Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled

other Customer Rating: Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled
Price : $9.99
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Here is a break out of the DVD:

Warm Up (5:59):
This includes a mix of plie squats (legs hip distance apart), wide second position plies, and first position plies. The plies alternate with pointing the leg out to the side and leg lifts. This includes some plie squats with hands reaching overhead, alternating with lifting the knee forward and reaching the hands under the knee, and then doing leg lifts without the plie but still reaching hands under the knee. This was a nice variation on the traditional march used in many barre DVDs. She also has curtsy squats alternating with tendu and then with passé. There are a variety of hand movements throughout the sequence. The warm up had a nice pace to it - fast but not too fast. There is a modifier showing easier versions throughout.

Upper Body (11:14) (requires 1, 2, or 3 lb weights):
It wasn't a particularly challenging workout but I liked how she took fairly traditional exercises and added ballet inspired twists to them - for example, circular movements with the arms or crossing the arms. She includes bicep and tricep work. She also had a couple variations reaching the arms overhead, including standing on the supporting leg in first position and doing a tendu to the back, side and front. The next segment is done without weights. She starts alternating second position plie with arabesque and then holds the arabesque doing various arm movements to challenge balance. She closes the segment with tricep dips, reverse plank, knee pushups, and plank. This segment was really fun and it felt really good (I had a kink under one shoulder blade prior to this segment that went away after.)

Barre (23:34) (need a chair for support):
o Parallel leg, first position, and wide second position plies - heels down alternating with toe raises, and then pulsing with toes raised
o Alternating between first and second position plie (modifier does these with a jump)
o Front attitude with pulses
o Second position plie alternating with circling the leg to the front
o Parallel leg plie pulses on toes (releve), then repeated with upper body in a c-curve
o Second position plie alternating with rotating to the side and first position plie (the modifier adds jumps to this)
o lunges on toes
o holding high lunge with circular upper body movement, arms reached overhead
o standing quadriceps stretch
o Standing glute work with variety of leg pulses to the side
o Curtsy alternating with passé, and then leg extension. She repeats these taking your hand off the chair to challenge your balance
o Standing glute work pulsing leg to the back. There is an option to remove one hand off the chair to work balance, and then finally holding the back leg extension with both arms off the chair
o Figure-4 standing stretch

Core (9:40):
o Various leg movements with upper body resting on elbows
o High c-curve, one leg raised and extended, rotating to the side
o Lower to mat, legs extended long - curling and twisting the upper body while raising the opposite leg
o Crunch with twist while doing scissor switch with legs
o Roll up with arm movement
o Side lying leg lift, upper body resting on elbow
o Side forearm plank
o Twisting pilates teaser
o Cobra

Cool Down (5:17):
Includes seated stretch variations. From standing there are arabesque variations to challenge the balance. She then does standing stretches for the spine, rolling forward, extending back, and then to the side. The sequence closes with a brief releve.


I loved this very fun workout. The exercises are more dance inspired as opposed to lotte berk inspired barre. The pace was nice - mild cardio. It is fast paced, but not as frantic as P57 so easy to keep up with her. This DVD is quite a bit different than my other barre DVDs - Tracey Mallett's Booty Barre is probably the closest comparison. I liked the balance work she included in various sections.

The only complaint I had was that the Play All option under Workout Options played the disclaimer, the Acacia page, her introduction, and the tutorial. It was easy enough to chapter skip but would have been nice if they had an option for Play all Without Introduction as they do on some of the Core Fusion DVDs.

Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled


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